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Non-deductible costs: Not everything can be claimed on your tax return!

A tax deduction is a deduction that is done by the government on taxable income. These deductions are made expenses that are incurred by the taxpayer every year against the gross income. This article will look at things that tax dedication isn’t done.

We all wear clothes, eat and occupy apartments or houses. We also travel, have entertainment in the night clubs, country clubs, sports events, carrier development, training, and education. The rules are to pay for these items after tax. But a question is usually raised if these items are deductible and if we only pay. Tax on what is leftover so as to satisfy our needs and desires with one or two of these items.

There are advantages of those people with high tax brackets; for example, if the expenditure is deductible, the taxpayer in the 50% bracket can double up these costs. Even when he or she cannot increase these deductible taxes, in turn, there would be a significant effect.

Sometimes it even get worse as every day the tax officials must look at gross income. The combination of being a civil servant scares them off, but all the prejudices must be put aside, and finally, look for benefits.

There are several questions that are raised on these matters. The first is on the approach required on the taxation of things like personal relationships, prestige leisure, and other satisfactions that come with someone’s job.

Thus it can be argued that these pleasures that come with the job are indistinguishable from other tangible satisfaction one gets from their job.it is therefore illogical, unfair to tax these benefits as this comes with them.

one is unable to measure these personal expenses and consumption accurately and cannot be distinguished if it’s personal or business for example if one has a coffee with a client in the restaurant both enjoy that time and can only be unfair to tax the client because the meeting is business-oriented.

Therefore, it is not clear how much satisfaction a cup of coffee is producing. Moreover, given that this value may vary from case to case and, it is impossible to make personal measurements that can be taxable.

Private tutoring (Nachhilfe)

A college education isn’t only for youngsters, neither education is based on tax deductions, learning is continuing process, and credit can only be claimed for you and your spouse for about four years. A credit worth of up €2,000 per year can be claimed as an education expense that leads to new and improved skills. Therefore if you are considering taking some education classes to improve yourself, or get a greener and better paying job, this can be an incentive.

Also, bringing your child with bad grades at home, the house blessing is often wrong. The child feels demotivated, and as parents, you cannot explain integral calculus tasks for a long time. It’s only unfortunate that the tutoring lessons for the child cannot be deducted from the tax. It may look different, however, if the school performance has declined because of transfer to another city. Then tax deductibility is very well given.

House insurance

If you take care of aging parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts, those people may qualify as your dependents and have a rouse for them. All insurance covers can be claimed for tax purposes. For example, in the case of liability, accident, or pension schemes, insurance should be mentioned. It is only, unfortunately, that home insurance is not recognized until today.

You have to claim that these are family members as dependents, and you must follow the due process and must specify criteria about income requirements. Yet you feed and house them and have insurance for them.

Cost of the driver’s license

The rumor keeps on that a driver’s license is also tax-deductible. But unfortunately, this hasn’t been achievable until today. But, there are two exceptions to this. On the one hand, it is an expense for both a truck and bus driver’s license may be charged; this is necessary for specialized reasons. On the other hand, people with disabilities also have the opportunity to claim. All the costs in this perspective of an exceptional burden. All other people have to pay their driver’s license 100 percent themselves.

Working clothes

Some job requires specific work clothes, for instance, Construction Company. Therefore one can generally get in an agreement with the tax authorities. This is different from other employees, such as bakers who wear suits off the tax. Thus basically, if you are able to use these work clothes privately or out of office, you can have nothing to look for in the tax return.

Nicht absetzbare Kosten

Training fees for a child

If your child attends a university, in this case, it is very expensive, and even the tuition fee is due. The tax clerk cares very little. The tuition fees aren’t applied as a training allowance. This is currently pegged at 924 Euros per the calendar year. The requirement for this is that there is still a right to child benefit. That or child allowance for the offspring to get the right to education.

If the marriage fails

According to the law, it states that all process costs can generally be stated in the tax return. But that may not apply in the case of married couples who would like to get a divorce. If there is financial damages are incurred or threatened, all the costs are deductible. Otherwise, if it continues: A divorce can be very expensive.


The office chair, Laptop, and some space in your house apartment - or something like a study room could look until lately, to be considered by the tax clerk. But the reality may look changed in the meantime. Tax deductibility for education or study can only be given if the individual doesn’t have any other job available or if the study focuses on the profession and carrier growth.

The classic

There are people who declare their cars in the tax return, of which it is not supposed to be there as we use it to go to the work station. This what we call a flat distance rate with which the number of kilometers is ready being compensated.