Check if you can get Child Benefit (Kindergeldanspruch)
Who can claim child benefit?
Almost everyone would like to get children someday and be fully absorbed in the parental role. However, with the wishful thinking, something is quickly forgotten; children cost a lot of money. The parental role is an expensive adventure since everyone in the family depends on the parents for clothes, food, and other secondary needs.
It’s good that the state actively supports children’s money. All parents who live in Germany are entitled to the support. The aid can be used until the age of 25, the child’s maximum age limit on the program. Worth noting, not every circumstance entitles parents to receive the monthly blessing.
What Is Child Benefit (Kindergeld)?
Child benefit is a child beneficial program only available to parents who apply. The tax office is actively involved with this support. It conducts background checks to collect information about the financial state as well as the general family environment. It is recommended for all parents to make this application because there are many benefits entitled to parents on child benefit program. Once the application is granted, the tax office, for example, guarantees tax benefits. The child benefit can be applied for at the family fund (Familienkasse).
Of course, child benefit support is not limited to biological parents. Foster parents and those with adopted children can also seek assistance.
The child allowance will be € 204 monthly for the first two children in 2020, € 210 for the third child and € 235 for each additional child. This is only eligible for parents who have their residence or reside in Germany.
When The Child Is In Training
From the birth of the child to the 18th birthday, the situation is clear. If the child is older than 18 years, the child benefit becomes more complicated. After 18 years, child support benefits are only granted to those who take up a training or study to continue with their education.
Normally, over the age of 25, there is no child benefit, even if the child is still studying or has not found a job. Children with disabilities who cannot support themselves are exempted.
The Educational Character
Family allowances are only granted to children if training is carried out “seriously.” This means that there should be no doubt as to whether the desired career goal will be achieved, for example, doubts can arise if the trainee takes much more time than intended to compete the training.
For that reason, many offices require proof of performance (also the Bafög office). Not infrequently, certificates must then be submitted at the end of a training year or semester. Family funds can even help the child access job opportunities.
Note: A study or training is recognised as unproblematic if the working or teaching time is at least 10 hours per week.
First Vocational Training
If the adult is still in general education or in the first vocational training or study, then the parents have full child benefit. For example, if the child is between high school and vocational training or studies, parents are entitled to child benefit for a maximum of 4 months (time between 2 training periods).
Depending on which event occurs first, the period of benefit of the child benefit ends either with the successful completion of the first vocational training, or with the age limit of 25 years.
Second Education
Children who have already completed initial vocational training often opt for a second education. For example, a nurse would like to become a doctor, a controller would like to study business administration, or a bachelor’s graduate would like a master’s degree.
If the first vocational training has already been completed, the child allowance does not automatically expire. An important factor in continuing to guarantee the continued existence of the child benefit are so-called harmful incomes (schädliche Einkünfte).
Harmful Income (Schädliche Einkünfte)
Detrimental income refers to gainful employment for more than 20 hours a week. Training service relationships are always considered harmless.
This includes
- Vocational training ratio according to Vocational Training Act (Berufsausbildungsverhältnis nach Berufsbildungsgesetz)
- Internship
- Traineeship
- Clerkship (Referendariat)
- Dual degree program (Duales Studium)
- Extra-occupational study (berufsbegleitendes Studium)
- Officials contender (Beamtenanwärter)
- Rise official (Aufstiegsbeamter)
- Professional soldier during a study
- Recognition year (Anerkennungsjahr)
- Minijob
- Short-term employment
- AU Pair
- Income from capital (Kapitalerträge)
- Income from renting and / or leasing
Harmful incomes are
- Income from non-self-employment (Einnahmen aus nichtselbstständiger Arbeit)
- Income from agriculture and forestry (Einnahmen aus Land- und Forstwirtschaft)
- Income from self-employment (Einnahmen aus selbstständiger Arbeit)
- Income from commercial activity (Einnahmen aus gewerblicher Tätigkeit)